[We’re simply reporting on what’s being reported. Any article we share is not necessarily a tacit endorsement of anything that’s said in the article. -Joel]
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Christian News:
The Impossible Mile: How One Man With Cerebral Palsy Lives One Step at a Time — and Finds Blessings in His Disability https://t.ly/6TiB
What a fight between a Christian nonprofit and the IRS could say about the future https://t.ly/Z4Pd | Biden IRS sued for 'targeting Christians for discrimination' https://t.ly/BBLf
25 Texas Churches Fight Heartbeat Ban, Label Abortion a 'Moral and Social Good' https://t.ly/Pd23 | Pope Francis Is Preparing a Radical Reform of the Church's Power Structures https://t.ly/OpEw | Iconic San Francisco cathedral requiring vaccine passports https://t.ly/PfYB | Like Father, Like Son? Allegations Surface Against Father of Accused Oregon Megachurch Pastor https://t.ly/VahQ | Woke Author Tells Rick Warren’s Wife: Make ‘Racial Justice’ Part Of Your Church Membership Process https://t.ly/1hyd | Bethel Pastor Quotes Charles Spurgeon to Try to Excuse False Prophecy https://t.ly/jW7a
Brave New World? 1984? No, C. S. Lewis’s That Hideous Strength is the Novel That Best Predicted Today’s World https://t.ly/H3lK
Parents sue California to stop chants to Aztec gods in ethnic studies curriculum https://t.ly/nc7h | 20 states sue Biden administration over LGBT discrimination policies for schools and employers https://t.ly/fopH
The Disillusionment of Millennial Evangelicals https://t.ly/56ax
Satanic Temple Attacks Texas Abortion Law, Argues That it Violates Their ‘Religious Freedom’ to ‘Abortion Rituals’ https://t.ly/alfx
State Supreme Court Delivers Religious Liberty Win: Constitution Protects Teachers’ Rights To Speak On Transgender Policy https://t.ly/06sE
Lakewood Church Offers Refuge to More Than 100 Hurricane Ida Evacuees https://t.ly/plOE | 2,700+ Church Leaders Sign Letter to Australian Prime Minister Opposing Vaccine Passport Mandate https://t.ly/9xK2 | Danny Gokey opposes vaccination mandates, says world faces 'birthing point' for mark of the beast https://t.ly/cCeZ | As Province Announces New COVID Restrictions and Mandatory Masks, what Will Happen to Pastors James Coates and Tim Stephens? https://t.ly/xQ7y | Vaccine passports for church? https://t.ly/0reD
Welsh Govt’s plans to ban conversion therapy 'place faith leaders at risk of prosecution' https://t.ly/S4Cm | Government admits Christians could be charged over 'transgender' offenses https://t.ly/dUHD | Study denounced for claiming LGBT agenda doesn't threaten Christians https://t.ly/j8O3
‘First Nations Version’ Bible Translation Released: Is It The Worst Ever? A Review https://t.ly/pYq2
Jesus was the 1st communist, says Russian party leader https://t.ly/LjfC
How A Pastor’s Martyrdom Can Affect The Lives Of The Family Left Behind https://t.ly/NVCg
Chinese Christians Compelled to Pray for the Martyrs—of the Red Army https://t.ly/ZCfo | Hard-Line Hindus Beat Christian Unconscious in Tamil Nadu State, India https://t.ly/jhQh | Christians in North Korea face torture, execution by firing squad: USCIRF report https://t.ly/w3x8 | Nigerian Pastor Says Government ‘Fully’ Supports Killings Of Christians: Report https://t.ly/Owm0 | Iranian Christian Converts Receive Reduced Sentences https://t.ly/HNIV | Algerian Christian Convert Repatriated From Tunisia https://t.ly/Q5lI | Pastor Forced to Go into Hiding After Receiving Threats in India https://t.ly/tpwQ | North Korea ‘Brutally Effective’ In Wicked Campaign To Eradicate Christianity, USCIRF Report Reveals https://t.ly/p3K3 | Pregnant California Woman Stranded In Afghanistan Says Taliban Are "Hunting Americans" https://t.ly/kY2u
Babylon Bee: Christian Leader Sure He's On The Right Track As He's Getting Tons Of Good Feedback From The World https://t.ly/vpPC
The Temple on Mount Gerizim—In the Bible and Archaeology https://t.ly/7xzB | 2,000-year-old quarry found to supply stones for ancient Jerusalem https://t.ly/DxqW | Archaeologist Oded Borowski recalls his ‘Indiana Jones’ moment at Tell Halif https://t.ly/Mzzd
Grace Goodies:
Help support Pastor Sam Gerhardt & his battle with stage 4 colon cancer through 1 of 2 GoFundMe Pages here https://t.ly/m2xP or here https://t.ly/nmFd | Or send a check to Grace Bible Church 3827 Hixson Pike Chattanooga TN 37415
Download a free copy of Pastor Joel’s book, “Empowered by His Grace!” https://t.ly/wZh8
Check out Greg Resor’s Digital Radio Station! Grace Messages 24/7! https://t.ly/uOuH
Stock up on grace books! Berean Bible Society https://t.ly/EXZA | Forgotten Truths https://t.ly/fgCt | Dispensational Publishing House https://t.ly/X3tx | Parsons Publishing https://t.ly/fPxB | Also, get connected with grace newsletters https://t.ly/5X20
Join the ministry! Sign up for Grace School of the Bible https://t.ly/haX4 | Berean Bible Institute https://t.ly/R2U9 | or the tuition-free Grace Bible Institute in TX https://t.ly/h0Jo
List of Grace Churches: https://t.ly/EMb3
Support the Mission Field – Grace Beyond Borders https://t.ly/w61a
Take David Reid’s Gospel Quiz! https://t.ly/DwpW
Download Joel’s 4,800+ Grace Books, Articles, and Charts (5 gigs): https://t.ly/icez
Grace Articles:
New Berean Searchlight https://t.ly/8Cc8
C.R. Stam on The Day of Itching Ears https://t.ly/OZNh | He Shall Reign https://t.ly/iclL
Justin Johnson on Child Evangelism at the Fair https://t.ly/mtuG
Shawn Brasseaux on The Thing Which is Good https://t.ly/5oqK
A Few Grace Videos:
Bryan & Becky Ross have a podcast! https://t.ly/jfR9
Pastor Fred on Was Jesus Talking to You? https://t.ly/BpI9
Pastor Hal on Paul, an Apostle https://t.ly/cNSy
Bryan Ross on Col. 3:22 https://t.ly/OCgZ | Codex Sinaiticus Research Update: Kallinikos, Hermas, & Barnabas https://t.ly/DPRx
David O’Steen on Standing and State https://t.ly/NyhT | Acts 6 https://t.ly/9Bnc
Josh Strelecki on the Wisdom of God https://t.ly/yAPK | Maintaining Good Works https://t.ly/WofV
Ricky Jr. on Rom. 8:31 https://t.ly/O71m | What the Angels Need to Know https://t.ly/8k42
Steve Ross on Erastus and Trophimus https://t.ly/2c5d
Don Hosfeld on 1 Tim. 4:1-5 https://t.ly/qqTv
Robert Bell starts a new series on 1 Thess. https://t.ly/7Z1c
Des Strydom can’t finish 2nd Timothy lol https://t.ly/jiJo
Steve Atwood https://t.ly/1nw2
Dean Antonucci https://t.ly/W4Ke
John Verstegen https://t.ly/dMFm
Kevin Hobbs https://t.ly/oE6V
Shorewood Livestream https://t.ly/eZlt
New Les Feldick https://t.ly/9tj5
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Grace & Peace!