Fellowship Bible Church
By Pastor Joel Hayes
- Maria J. Martin
"A bit wordy but that's part of your charm."
- Pastor Richard Jordan
Download for free as a .pdf the book that took Joel 3 years to write, the book that explains in great detail how to have real spiritual growth in your life, which begins by understanding what God has made you in Christ. We are gloriously identified with His Son in His death, burial, and resurrection. We are transformed to the uttermost, the old you gone forever, and we are freed from sin's dominion. Download a copy today and share with your friends!
Or purchase a hard copy here at Dispensational Publishing House.
"Your day of real spiritual growth in your life is a day of reckoning. It’s the day you reckon God’s truths a reality, the day you reckon as true who you are in Christ, what God has made you in Christ by virtue of your identification with His Son’s all-sufficient work on the cross. It’s the day you declare yourself to be dead, buried, and risen with Christ. It’s the day you reckon your old man dead. And it’s the day you reckon yourself literally freed from sin. It’s also the day, and every day, you choose to yield to His righteousness by allowing yourself to submit to the direction of Holy Spirit through the study of His Word about how you may exhibit His righteousness in the outliving of your faith in your walk. It’s the day you allow yourself to be empowered by His grace with the Spirit through prayer, meditation, and the study of His Word. Then we store that knowledge in our souls to guide our feet."
- From chapter 4, "Freed From Sin"
We want everyone to come into the knowledge of the truth, to be empowered by His grace, comforted by His Word, and strengthened by His Spirit. The message is more important than the money. Download your free copy today!
Or purchase a hard copy here at Dispensational Publishing House.
"In that moment of salvation, we were joined in an eternal union to Christ in Heaven and the all-sufficiency of His work on the cross. Christ’s life became our life. Christ’s victory became our victory. Christ’s riches became our riches. Christ’s glory became our glory. When we place our faith in Him, we are brought into the perfection of His work on the cross. We are brought into the perfection of His victory. We are brought into the very perfection of Christ Himself. When we place our faith in Him, we are forever identified with His work on the cross, spiritually transformed as Christ was literally transformed, and we’re made to be risen with Him by the same power found within the glory of God the Father, which raised Christ from the dead. We enter a new state. We became new creatures (2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15) with God’s righteousness imputed to us (Rom. 4:23-25). We’re made alive unto God (Rom. 6:11), complete in Him (Col. 2:10), accepted in the beloved (Eph. 1:3), blessed with all spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3), sealed by the Spirit (Eph. 1:13), seated in the Heavenlies (Eph. 2:6), forgiven all trespasses (Col. 2:13), circumcised with the circumcision made without hands (Col. 2:11), baptized into the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13), one with Christ (Eph. 5:30), freed from the curse of the law (Gal. 3:13), heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:17), washed, regenerated, and renewed by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5), and we’re now living His resurrection life until our bodies are redeemed (Eph. 2:4-6)."
- From chapter 3, "Our Glorious Identification with Christ"