Fellowship Bible Church
Nancy Paulson
I honestly do not know much about Nancy Paulson, except that I really love her articles. I get the impression she might have been under Duane Gallantine’s ministry over at the Twin Cities Grace Fellowship. She manages the now-classic Berean Workman website, which a lot of people new to grace may not know about. Nancy would go to grace conferences, take notes, and then turn her notes into wonderful articles, which she posted on her website. Or she would read a book, take notes, and turn that into an article. And they truly are wonderful articles.
I loved her article on How to Deal with Sin in which she highlights the Replacement Principle, that is, replacing that sin with the new man and the life of Christ in us. She said, “The life of Christ is not a mysterious, magical, mystical thing. God gave us a visible, tangible, identifiable contact with the life of Christ. We have an objective standard, which is the written Word of God. The Bible, unlike other books, is alive. The life of Christ resides in the words.” Amen!
I contacted Nancy by e-mail and got her permission to repost her articles to hopefully expose her wonderful writing ministry to new people in grace. I pray they will be a blessing to you as they have been to me.
Joel Hayes
Associate Pastor
Able Ministers of New Testament
Attack on God's Word as Final Authority
Baptism Purification Unto Sanctification and a New Identity
Brief Outline of 1 Corinthians
Changes When the Prophetic Program Resumes
Charity - A More Excellent Way
Comparing Israel with the Body of Christ
Dispensation of the Grace of God Given To Paul
Does the Grace Message Belittle Christ
Faith In Faith or Faith In God
Gods Grace For Such a Time as This
Rightly Divide the Word of Truth
Study to Show Thyself Approved
The Longsuffering of Our Lord and The Delay of His Second Coming
The Two-fold Purpose of Abraham
Understanding Prayer - Pray In The Spirit
Understanding Prayer - Pray With Understanding
Understanding the Grace Alternative
What It Means To Rightly Divide the Scriptures
Where Do Tongues Come From Today